Our Teachers
At Artisan Pilates, we are a collaborative group of women who have been an active and communicative part of the Pilates community. We are grateful for the contribution of all teachers in our organization.

Juanita Lopez
Juanita Lopez, our Level 1, Master Instructor, works with teachers from all over the world. In 1993, at the request of Romana, Juanita began teaching the seminars for the certification training program that was supervised by Romana. Since then, Juanita continues to administer final exams and teaching continuing professional education.
Juanita's insight and wisdom have been a vital asset to Artisan Pilates over the past several years.

When we're not in the studio, we take time to relax over a glass of wine and a piece of chocolate cake. Shush... don't tell anyone.

Rhonda Celenza
Rhonda Celenza, currently a Level 2 instructor and regional director of the Midwest founded Pilates Connection, Evanston in 2005. She continues to oversee the apprentice program through the training center in Evanston.
Also included in her busy schedule are seminars and workshops in the region, and private lessons for instructors and apprentices.

Rhonda's presence in our studio is always welcoming and colorful. She can brighten up a dreary day with her fashion savvy, sense of humor and, of course, her deep knowledge of the Method.
While she is not an official teacher at Artisan Pilates, she is a frequent presence for her lessons with Juanita. She is also available for lessons to teachers who find it convenient to have a session in our studio.

Yolanda Thompson
One of Yolanda’s friends suggested Pilates to her. Once she made Pilates a regular part of her life, she saw tremendous improvement in herself. Not satisfied with being a Pilates student, she went on to become an instructor and was certified through Romana's Pilates in 2005.
An avid reader, amateur chef, world traveler and the matriarch of her growing family, Yolanda's life is varied and interesting. Clients are happy to get a good book recommendation or a new place to visit. Not to mention a special dish she may cook up during the holidays.

Liz Roberts
Liz began studying Pilates at The Pilates Studio in Evanston with Juanita Lopez and was certified in 2000. She credits Pilates for keeping her active and healthy into her senior years.
Liz is an avid gardener and is a hands-on participant in beautifying her neighborhood throughout the seasons. Her vegetable gardens are creative and delicious, too. Neighbors are lucky to have Liz keep the neighborhood alive and vibrant.
Sheila Lynch
After exploring many different exercise systems, Sheila discovered Pilates in 2005. She was certified as a Romana’s Pilates Level V instructor by Juanita Lopez in 2017. Sheila was motivated to teach so that others might experience the benefits in health and well-being that she finds in the work.
Her affable personality and easy-going nature has made her a popular teacher with our clients. In her spare time, Sheila recharges her long teaching days with long walks along the lake and spending time with friends.

Danielle Bernier
Danielle enjoys working with clients of all ages, learning styles, and physical challenges; it has taught her patience, compassion, and adaptability. She says she learns every day from each person.
Danielle became a Romana's Pilates Instructor in 2014, certified by Juanita Lopez. Danielle is grateful for this wonderful community of amazing teachers, mentors, and friends.

Susan Pool
Susan is the owner/instructor of Artisan Pilates and has been a student of Romana's Pilates for over 25 years. She had the good fortune of starting her Pilates career as a client of Juanita Lopez in 2000.
Over the years, Susan has continued to study regularly with both Juanita Lopez and Rhonda Celenza..
After becoming a certified teacher through Pilates Connection/Chicago in 2012, Susan taught in a few studios before opening Artisan Pilates in 2017.
Outside of her studio involvement, Susan's reputation as a contemporary art dealer started in 2000 when she and her husband purchased an old-line Chicago art gallery called Galleries Maurice Sternberg. After closing Sternberg in 2010, Susan joined Rosenthal Fine Art as a partner/director. She continues to wear both hats -- as a Pilates teacher and art dealer. Somehow, it works for her. Pilates has given her a critical eye which helps when looking at her clients and a beautiful work of art too.
I guess the common denominator between Pilates and Art is that both are expressive and good for the soul.